(no subject)

Feb 18, 2010 16:29

  • I am extremely good at wasting time.
  • Cherry pie is fantastic. Hot, cold, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, I don't even care it's just adfhadfhafh <3 BEST. PIE. EVER.
  • On a vaguely related tangent, inner!mute!Dean is a strange muse. Because, um, mute generally implies that he is not talking, but ...somehow he is? I don't know. I'm getting constant commentary on my life from him, and it's pretty amusing, mosty.
    • Unfortunately this means that when I try writing Sam for the thread I'm in with particolor I'm getting mute!Dean's AU input, which eventually ends in him freaking out and going ARE YOU MY SAM!? and just pisses Sam off because he's NOT that!Dean's Sam, he's singe_allerdyce!Dean's Sam, and it just makes everything so very complicated.
    • Pie does not pacify mute!Dean. It makes him happier, but only briefly, and then he goes ARE YOU TRYING TO DISTRACT ME?? and it's just not a good plan. Even though, mmm, pie.
  • Also, AIM is not working for me. It keeps telling me lies about connections, and so I have temporarily given up. Everyone is probably busy anyway, so...

In short, I have accomplished pretty much nothing but downloading user-made maps for Pharaoh/Cleopatra (ADDICTING GAME OMG), playing flash games, and eating pie. o.O

muses, mute!dean, my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, brainmelt, computer games, omg!

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