(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 17:54

  • So I now have pomegranates! I thought the local grocery stores didn't sell them, but it turns out at least one does! \o/
  • Sherlock Holmes = <3 That was a very enjoyable movie, though I did have a bit of a problem with it... It felt more like a sequel than a first movie, I think, is the problem - no explanations for anything, you're meant to know or assume things about the characters and their personalities and relationships with each other - which worked okay, I guess, but... yeah, it didn't quite hit all the right notes (/soundgeek who can only make music-related comparisons sometimes). But I still loved it. Because I'm like that. :)
    • I'll admit, though, I squee'd more during the 30-some second Iron Man 2 trailer than through the whole movie. Um. I AM SO STUPIDLY EXCITED FOR THAT MOVIE, OMG.
  • So, neither of my RP folk are online right now and are probably doing stuff with their "real lives", psh. About 25 minutes left of laptop battery, and that's the last internet for the REST OF THE DAY and NO ONE IS ON. InnerSam is unamused. I am unamused. (But <3 anyway.) I GUESS I'LL GO WRITE FIC STUFF NOW SINCE NO ONE IS HERE. WHATEVER.
  • Oh also? Madre and me are like turning into Sam'n'Dean FOR SERIOUS.
    • Last night we're in the store and she's walking around in her leather jacket singing to the classic rock on the store radio, while I'm following her around, towering over her in my hoodie rolling my eyes at her. Then I proceeded to buy pomegranates and flail excitedly about them and babble about their health benefits / how they're important in a lot of cultures/myths (which I remember reading, but can't remember HOW/WHY they are important; need to do moar research!), while she called me weird and eyed the chocolate. Um.
  • Oh, and MOCHA, OMG. The coffeeshop place in this mall makes the best ones ever. DFHADFHDAFH LOVE. <3

movies, sammuse has stolen my brain, mocha is awesome, my mom works at the movies, rp is cooler than real life, madre is a sillyface but i love her

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