(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 13:35

So today I had to teach people sound / media / lights. It.... um, went better than horrible, but not too well?

It's sort of a daunting task trying to teach people who have little or no technological inclination the ins/outs of something so detailed as a soundsystem. I sort of scared everybody, I think, with how detailed I went - and I was even skipping over a lot of things that I knew they wouldn't really need to know. So I had the one woman go "OMG I HAVEN'T TOUCHED A SOUNDBOARD SINCE THE 80'S I SHOULDN'T DO THIS AAAHHH", and one guy who said he's half deaf / and can't hear nuances in sound (which, um, is sort of important?)... one guy was not even here like planned, so he did not learn it at all and I'll have to set aside ANOTHER day to teach him, when this whole thing was because he wanted to learn it.

Also, I will never be a teacher. I was awkward and flailing my hands aroud a lot and saying "um, so... uh," all the time and my mouth refuses to stop being a desert. And considering that I do not know everything there is to know about everything ever, there were several times where I had to say "I DON'T REALLY KNOW WHY, I JUST WORK HERE / THAT'S HOW IT IS" and mostly people laughed and were good about it, said I was teaching well, but adfhadf I don't know, I didn't like it much. Also it took two hours where I thought it would take half of one. adfhadfhadfh.

My step-by-step instruction papers are a hit though. Apparently they make sense. \o/
Let's see how that goes next time I'm not here, though. Oi.

Now I need to get food, get caffeine, call my madre... and then will resume normal internet functioning.

sound, care and feeding of soundgeeks, soundgeek, erin will never be a teacher

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