(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 11:41

So it's almost properly Christmas! Finally! It feels like it's been building up for way too long, gone beyond "OMG YAY CHRISTMAS IS SOON!" to "UH, COME ON ALREADY, WHY ISN'T IT THE 25th YET?". This is probably because I've been doing so many Christmas church-related functions this month, because church!soundgeeks never rest. Or, they rest in January - and then the Easter buzz starts up and we run around again getting ready for that.

Tonight I get to run projectiors, not camera like I previously believed, for my church's Christmas Eve service, which is not in our church but is in the local outdoor venue (which is a canyon, but we don't get to use THE canyon, adfhadfh boringfaces don't want to trip and fall at night, so we use the roofed-area near it), so that will be cool. Hopefully that will go over well. I have a feeling I have like all the DVD cues on that computer, and will have to wave my arms around to signal the sounddudes, adfhadfh.

Last night madre and I went shopping at WalMart, and um, they reorganized everything, so we can't find anything - so NO ONE CAN FIND ANYTHING - and so we spent the whole time like UH, WHERE ARE WE GOING? WHAT ARE WE EVEN LOOKING FOR AGAIN? OH, WHERE DID THAT DEPARTMENT GO? and bitching about it to fellow customers who felt the same way. There was such togetherness in the experience, sharing your woes with random strangers - it was great. But there were a LOT of people who were CLEARLY ON DRUGS wandering around (because it was like midnght, and also beacuse there is nothing to do in this county besides, um, get high and go to WalMart, apparently?) and like, yeah. It was weird. And we got like ten things in four hours. Um.

Oh and we have no hot water. And it's cold out. So we have REALLY COLD water for showers and things. adfhadfhadfhadfh COME ON NOW. NOT COOL (except for how it literally sort of is)!

I am uneasy about tomorrow. Our tentative plan so far is waking up at like 5am for gift exchanging at home with madre and sisters. Then Renee goes to work at 8am, madre drops me and Shan off at grandparents and goes to work, herself. Which is okay. It's just, um, my dad may decide it's cool to randomly pop in at the grandparents', and I will throw a fit and storm out / lock myself in the bathroom / bitchsmack his girlfriend, and that would just totally kill the Christmas Cheer, you guys.

And like, even if he doesn't show up we then have my grandparents being like CHRISTMAS IS FAMILYTIEM, YOU SHOULD TALK TO HIM! and, um, no thanks? They should get the memo already and stop telling me that all the time. adfhadfh.

On top of that, InnerSam has joined forces with InnerElusiveStanford!Dean to make me want to write something about Sam's first Christmas away (didn't I write that already? Or, I at least started it, maybe it died in the computer crash, I don't know), and like, that's well and good and all, but right now I need to be writing other things! And by the time I CAN write this, InnerElusiveStanford!Dean will have disappeared off into the abyss that is my brain.

Uh speaking of writing, lalala, I should probably get on that.

family drama!, family, shopping-ftl, my sam!muse is oddly bitchy, christmas, askjlam, soundgeek

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