(no subject)

Dec 15, 2009 16:58

I am procrastinating so hard right now. I don't want to write anything. I don't want to do anything at all. I want popsicles and to fall asleep in my nice comfy bed with my Christmas lights being all pretty and my kitten snuggling with me. I don't think it's too much to ask for, but it is currently impossible, so instead I will play flash games and write in LJ posts about silly random things and maybe poke at my Sampost halfheartedly once in a while (Sammuse is protesting my illness by behaving like a sulky four year old, adfhadhadh).

Random things!
  • I have for the last four or so years been carrying a large bag instead of a purse. First it was a tote bag and then a messenger bag and then it was a laptop bag that was basically a small suitcase or something, and I could carry half my worldly possessions in these bags everywhere I went and it was fantastic. Heavy, but fantastic. If I needed something, I had it. If someone else needed something, I probably had it. I once had a hammer and a large wrench in my bag, but my friend who was digging through was more startled to see I had sticky notes in there. I point all this out because the last bag broke, and I am now forced to start carrying a proper purse, instead. Which means I am now cramming as much as possible into about a quarter of the space I used to have before. Which is all kinds of weird. Today I couldn't zip it, because I put the laptop and it's cord inside, along with everything else I NEED to bring everywhere. Also it's weird not carrying around the weight of a small child everywhere. My shoulder is thankful, but the rest of me feels like I've just chopped off a limb or something. Also, I feel like such a girl with a proper purse, it's insane. And sort of creepy.
  • I am going to get my friend a candle for Christmas. Aforementioned friend is male. I am going to have to be discreet so that no one knows where he got it because I don't want him embarrassed by getting scented candles for Christmas. The main point of this subject is to ask WHO SAYS GUYS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO LIKE THINGS THAT CATCH FIRE AND SMELL GOOD? I don't get it. He likes burning them in his office 'cause his office is boring and fire is nice and good smelling things are nice, and, come on, logical! But apparently no one else gets the logic, and so now I have to be very careful about that. SIGH.
  • I love being here on the Tuesdays where the seniors have their luncheon thing. Because, like, they insist I eat whatever they're having... and it's a potluck, and there is some amazing food involved! Like, today there was ham! And this amazing apple / pineapple cobbler with cheddar cheese all through it, asdflhnd it was the best thing ever.
Now I'm going to play more games! try to write.

girly moments sometimes happen, askjlam, random

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