(no subject)

Dec 01, 2009 17:23

The HHE/SPN thing is back on. I've made progress. I may finish it someday! (I'm aiming for this month, but given that my December schedule has practically exploded with CRAZY, I may not have the mental capacity to write much. Or I might write myself into a coma and refuse to sleep, as I sometimes to when I'm busy. I DON'T KNOW.) So far, Sam has issues, and Dean is cuddling Catherine way too much, I think he wants a baby of his own (and he calls SAM a girl, pssh). And Doug is hard to write because he's pretty much catatonic and, you know, traumatized. Which means he's not really DOING anything. Brenda is trying to be written as not-annoying (which is weird given how friggin' annoying the character actually IS), and Bobby keeps asking lots of questions. And Beast is not a dangerous creature, he just likes to wake people up with his tongue.

Um. *shrug, handflail* IT WILL BE DONE SOMEDAY. I GUESS.

Apparently it's December first today. DO NOT WANT. If only because that means the year is almost over, and it's felt like a really short year. Like, seriously, it's only about eight months until my 21st birthday. And, like. My littlest sister is going to be eighteen in a month and a half. And and and. I'M OLD. TIME IS GOING TOO FAST. MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

In other news, FRUIT PUNCH! Mmmmmm. I'm such a child. \o/

(I love how I complain about being old one line, and then the next I'm all about how childish I am. Totally unintentional, by the way. Heh.)

i am old, hhe, hhe/spn, i am a child, fruit punch makes my day, sometimes i actually write stuff, writing is hard!, writing

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