(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 18:54

So I'm having a really hard time focusing on writing what needs to be written, argh. Instead of writing on my novel last night I ended up writing this 5.08-inspired ficlet thing, because iTunes decided to be a freakish freak of nature and instead of shuffling it started repeating for no apparent reason... and so yeah. Uh.

But I still am almost on track? I've got like 12k. So that's... not too bad, I guess. Blah. I'd just rather be writing Supernatural (or the SPN/HHE thing I'm still working on, adfhadth).

The Men Who Stare At Goats is like the best movie I've watched all year. Possibly I mean that literally - I don't remember other movies this year much, but it really was fantastic. <3

Other than that my life is either uneventful, unpleasant, or I'm too lazy to talk about it. :)

fic, look - a distractilon..., sometimes i actually write stuff, nano, askjlam, writing

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