(no subject)

Sep 09, 2009 22:35

Hi there. I am utterly useless right now.

Reasons Erin is useless include:
  • The imminent Supernatural premiere scrambling my brain with ANTICIPATORY GLEE.
  • I'm on a serious Supernatural music kick. As in the instrumental music played in the episodes, not the random songs. alekahnltknh brain asplode from pretty.
  • THE LACK OF COOL AIR AT HOME... it takes like ten minutes for my brain to turn to liquid and my body to go into some crazy near-comatose state. I will not survive this much longer.
  • Accidentally watching the end of 2.21... alkatklaerjhatjhjkbhahhhhhh.
  • Apparently Jensen Ackles can seriously sing. Which of course means my inner soundgeeks are at war, where one wants to hear more of his harmonizing (I love me some [good] harmony <3) and the other wants to hear something solo, and then part of my brain goes off on a tangent wondering if I've somehow become a creepy fangirl-type, and another part reasons that I haven't because it's completely platonic fangirling (as opposed to the folks who are all like "OMG DROOLLLLLL!" at people, which I totally do not do because my brain is pretty much ickle and doesn't think that way, like, at all ever, even though objectively speaking his eyes are amazingly pretty; but even if I weren't stuck in the mindset of, like, a ten-year-old I would have a hard time oogling / freaking out over "famous" people in that sort of way, because people are people are people, and there's a line, and I should leave it at this before it becomes a long drawn out thing better suited to having it's own post, haa), and the rest of it just stands back and watches the craziness and then goes back to flailing over OMG S5.
    • So, in conclusion, it's sort of like I've suddenly become five people. Who are all freaks.
  • Every time I look at a light I try to take a picture of it. As in blurry, crazy light-trails sort of pictures, which I use to make my own light textures for my graphicsmaking. As in I am currently controlling myself very well and not doing it to the monitor or any of the three dozen little lights over here (but only because I already took like five billion pictures tonight earlier!). ajdlhknltkhnat it's addicting.
There are more reasons, probably, but I can't think of them right now.

Also there was something else unrelated that I was going to add, but I do not know what it was now.

Time to leave now, to go back to melty heat. :(

supernatural, i'm a crazyface, i am a geek, sometimes i make graphics, omg!, lucifer is coming, sound, i am a soundgeek, my brain - it is strange, obsessions

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