(no subject)

Sep 08, 2009 12:33

So there is a substantial possibility that Erin will not survive much longer. The air conditioner at home, my last shreds of sanity, has just died. For real, for serious, not working even for fan-settings sort of dead, and with it goes my brain. I didn't sleep last night, and have been using icepacks and a fan to just barely survive for the past two days. I've learned that I'm actually cooler wearing jeans than pajama bottoms, and that sprawling bonelessly all over the house is about all I'm good for when it gets this warm. I are be dead from melt.

There are only a few things I require to be a happy and not psychotic person, and they keep being checked off the list.
  • Light
  • Air conditioning
  • Internet
  • Coffee
  • Caffeine in general
  • Soundgeeking
  • Supernatural
Coffee's got strikeout going on because it makes me sick if I have it more than, like, once a week (and even then, sometimes); soundgeeking is in the stages of being stolen from me (well, bandsoundgeeking, as the new youth pastor wants younger folk learning/operating the board, instead of me since now I'm old and decrepit or whatever, so as soon as I train someone? I'm out the door, apparently)... WOE.

Uh, in other news, this morning when I left the house, it was alarmngly fantastic outside. Like, not hot. It was great. I'm thinking if it stays this way, we're going to have to open some windows (not that that's going to help my room, as I only have one window which does not open, but sitll, the rest of the house would be alright that way).

Um um um... I guess that is all.

singe_allerdyce do you remember when, exactly, we established Anna's birthday was? /random It's been bothering me because I LIKE KNOWING THINGS LIKE THAT and I can't find the IM logs where I know we totally discussed that before, and and and yeah. I thought it was February sometime, but I do not know what day, or  if I'm even remembering that right. If you remember that would be awesome. Relatedly I also want to know Aaron's birthday. Because. Also, hi! I am going to attempt to install AIM on the laptop if Madre doesn't eat my soul! :) <3

askjlam, florida-sucks, florida, zombie, ew, erin needs air to survive, holy crap!, anna!

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