(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 11:14

Taking the drug/alcohol course online so as to get my permit/license sometime before I die. The pages are timed, as in you can't leave the page until the time is up. Unfortunately, I read fast like a freak, and so I have literally got fifteen minutes to kill when the original time for this "chapter" was twenty-five minutes. Ngh. Four hours total of the reading and such. It's pretty amusing, though - all like "OMG DRUUUUGS!! TEENAGERS DYING IN CRASHES HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!! ALCOHOL IS BAD!!! MY BAD GRAMMATIC FORMATTING, LET ME SHOW YOU IT!!!" and there's this hilarious crap clip-art all over the place, and my God I feel silly sitting here giggling at it.

And then there was this lovely bit:

Your chances of being involved in a car crash is 1 in 25, not really good odds. Your chances of being in a plane crash is 1 in 15,000,000, and most people are afraid to fly. You should be afraid to drive. You should take precautionary steps to avoid becoming just another statistic.
Which, um. Wow, that's reassuring, right? WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, OH MY GOD! Heh.

This morning prior to this, my mom took me out for breakfast to celebrate my existance / old age, and mmm. Proper breakfast (not fast food or crap like cereal or something) is among my top meal choices ever. <3 Also, we pretty much giggled the whole time over like all kinds of things. Like the waitress coming up to this table and being like "morning ladies!' and it was actually a man and a woman, and he was amused and she was like "well, you're just so pretty!" and like pet him on the head, and it was great.

Ten minutes still, aaahhh, the timer is annoying me.

20!, old, we're all going to die!, i may drive someday, birthday

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