(no subject)

Jul 14, 2009 17:20

I am going to be twenty tomorrow. Oh deeeeear. Counting down the last hours of my teenage years. With my luck, I'll die just this side of twenty. Sigh.

On the bright side, it's highly possibly my momma and I will be getting tattooed on the 18th, as like a birthday present for her (as it's her actual birthday that day) and a late one for me... I need to properly sketch what I want (which for the curious is a rather modified version of the Supernatural!tattoo because I'm a geek, but instead of a pentagram it's a cross, and instead of flames it mayyyy be thorns, or maybe swirly vine-things, or maybe flames after all, I am as yet unsure, haha, and it will be going on my inner left ankle, even though I'm told it will hurt like crazy there?), so they have at least a reference point. I am mildly freaked, not about the getting it, but about the fact that there's a chance we'll go to a local place, and I've been told not to go anywhere near any of the local places, because they're not exactly sanitary. I want to go to Tampa, since I know people who have gone there and HAVEN'T DIED and, you know. So if we don't go out of town, I will probably loudly demand things be done in a properly sterile manner or else I will stab someone in the face. :)

In other news, I have finally finished my three part Supernatural season four famnix, which in the end I am only 98% happy with, but I was getting tired of trying to work on it after SO LONG. In the future, I am not making track art. NOT. Because oh man. Three different "albums", one for Dean, one for Sam, and one that's more general (and by that one I decided no more track art and so it doesn't have any, hahaha) - the first .zip is about half uploaded, and then I still have to format the posts and get lyrics and aaahhh! But still, the hard part is done. Freaking art. *cringeflail*

Umumum... The Classic Crime is my newest musical addiction - they're pretty great. I've not found a song by them I haven't liked thus far? Other music news - at some point in the relatively near future, I am going to have finished a proper album for my band. I have a handful of properly recorded, vaguely edited tracks that I'm trying to put together - I need another... four or five songs, probably, to make it worthwhile - then I'm going to have CDs burned for each bandmember, because <3333.

Also I keep forgetting what I planned to do... this lack of reliable internet time is screwing my brain up so bad, it's not even funny.

Also I'm craving pineapple something serious.

supernatural, internet woes, 19, music, i am old, i am a geek, i am a soundgeek, tattoo?, my brain - it is strange, fanmixes are addicting

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