(no subject)

Jul 02, 2009 12:40

A lot of things are going on, but none of it feels like anything I feel like writing about much...
  • I am going to be twenty in just a couple of weeks.
  • I have not yet heard anything about the job I applied for, as per usual with everywhere I apply.
  • I am about 97.3% done with a blend of my band in it's new form which is to be finished by Sunday.
  • Sunday will either be great, or suck out loud.
  • I am not sleeping well again, with or without Jules' interference.
  • There are children here; I am unamused.
  • I have a sudden fondness for angel wings on jewelry / etc.
  • My head has randomly decided to cause me serious agony.
  • I have about designed my future tattoo - and yes it is suitably geeky without being hugely obvious about it; I am proud.
    • I now need to decide where it should go, and get it drawn out properly for taking somewhere to get it done.
  • I have been spamming Twitter again.
  • The icon has nothing to do with anything; I have not used this one in a while.

bullets are fun, i am a geek, i have nothing to say

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