(no subject)

May 15, 2009 14:52

So lately things have been going on and I have not had internet to post with.
  • My room is being torn apart so as to redo the floors because they are dangerous and full of holes. I am personally fine with the holes so long as people stop changing my room because when things around me change in dramatic ways I become uneasy with the world at large and can't sleep at night. Which only makes my anxiety worse which makes me sleep less which means this entire week has been basically a slow-building panic with a side-order of pissy and snarky.
  • I spent all of Monday tearing my room apart. I spent all of Tuesday the same way. Wednesday also. (Wednesday was redeemable because BAND <333 bjut otherwise sucked out loud.) Yesterday I was too tired to properly use the microwave, burned rice and melted a container because I coudn't focus enough to turn the power level down like I was supposed to did dishes all day, and then again at night... All of those days I got like an hour, maybe two, of sleep at best. An hour and a half last night, and my night isn't even half over, and I have to be up early tomorrow, and I may just die before they even get the floors in place.
  • Everyone is worried I will kill myself by mistake tripping in the holes in the floor. I say it's more likely I'll trip and kill myself by mistake on a completely flat surface because of lack of sleep. True facts.
  • Mngh Supernatural 4.21 killed me so dead it wasn't even funny. I cried. Repeatedly. aslkjph the end, like the last five/ten minutes were agonizing. I hear the finale will redeem the pain for me a little, for which I am grateful, but for now my heart is sort of in tatters.
  • Vaguely related only because I am an obsessed freak? Renee reminds me of Sam sometimes. The whole nerd / independent / making stupid choices / isolating oneself from family in exchange for an outside influence who may or may not actually be healthy... *flail*
  • I need to find screencaps for 4.21 that are high-resolution for which to make wallpapers and things, because OWW. Sometimes I apparently like to torment myself with angsty images, and the last scene (veryverylast scene, like the last thirty seconds) is completely perfect for that sort of anguish. <3
    • Apparently I am a freak.
  • My thoughts are disconnected and random and are probably out of order and possibly repeated.
  • My dad forgot to pick Renee up from work last night and she had to get a ride with a manager and we're all pretty pissed about it. He was all like "...oh." when she called and apparently didn't even apologize. Douche.
  • I keep getting calls to my cell that are for car warranties, or "special offers!", which are not. for. me. Nor are they for the phone's previous owner. They're for someone named Jessica, and I DO NOT KNOW THIS PERSON, NOR AM I HER, NOR WILL I EVER BE HER, and I am seriously unamused. Two calls within two hours today. One just like two seconds ago which reminded me haha. Seriously though. Gr.
  • Hi-C Fruit Punch = <3
  • I sort of feel like being a whiny brat, but at the same time I don't have the energy to go through with it.

supernatural, i love my band, family, apparently i have anxiety issues, my band equals lessthanthree, too-lazy-to-tag-properlike, i am a geek

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