(no subject)

May 05, 2009 13:51

Supernatural is the only show I've ever watched that I can get SO wrapped up in that I'm emotional just thinking about it hours later. Days later. The kind of emotional which, in me, means I feel like I'm going to puke because it's so intense and I'm not good at crying so instead I sort of nearly toss my cookies when things get hugely emotional and intense apparently. (Not just this, real life things too, it's not really fun.)

I need to watch a happier episode. Like, even the S2 finale(s) would be happier at this point (no they wouldn't, I think that would actually make it worse, never mind).

My mom Twitterstalked my dad, and found his girlfriend, and I am contemplating trolling her. Only I don't think I'd be very good at it. I'd be just sort of like "I'MMA EAT YOUR LIVER, BITCH" or something and that's about the extent of my skillz. So.

Relatedly I've been saying "bitch" a lot lately which is very out of character for me, since up until like a month ago it was rare for me to say even something like, um, "hell" or "ass" because I am a sheltered little thing or something. I think maybe this is a result of watching Supernatural, as it seems to be one of Dean's favorite words, and I am a speech-pattern pirate/chameleon. I steal everything without even realizing it. It's pretty intense. I just have to avoid being around people who say other things, and I'll be fine, 'cause most swearing / whatever still unsettles me and is something I'd personally like to avoid.

Oh, and apparently people think teenagers are retarded or something. There's this commercial on the televisions in the lobby here, and it's all "DRUGS ARE BAD, TELL YOUR KIDS DRUGS ARE BAD BECAUSE DRUGS ARE BAD GUYS!", but it's trying to get the point across that teenagers are "irrational", and it's like. Really bad.
Generic parental voice: "WHY'S THE DOG IN THE WASHER?!"
Generic "teen" voice: "I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP"


Time to start downloads that will take a million years and by the time I leave here tonight they probably won't be finished... tralala.

i am emotionally involved in my shows, fail on a stick!, obligatory cannibalism remarks, people are sillyfaces, random, obsessions

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