(no subject)

Apr 22, 2009 21:05

So I think everyone knows how much I've been on about recording my band properly, in the last year or so? Or if not - suffice to say that at least once a month I'd complain that we needed to be able to record them properly, better than my camera could do for the audio. And I was told that a CD recorder thing to hook up would cost us like $300, and I sort of mostly dropped the matter because it wasn't something I could get, and isn't REALLY a requirement/important, just something my inner geek LOVES the idea of.

And then I walk in today, and THERE'S ONE THERE. HOOKED UP. So I bounced around excitedly, and we recorded tonight's practice to see how it would go, and OH MY GOD. IT SOUNDS GREAT. AND AND AND OH MAN. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUNDAY, NOW. REALLY. JUST. ALJKSNJERHJADSPNNATRJKLNTLKSJS AAAAHHH!

*explodes from glee*

Once I cut up the recording properly, I'll maybe post some segments of it. aslknahlt it's just really great. I love my band. I love sound. I love THE UNIVERSE right now. I can't stop grinning, either. Eeeee!

And also some other stuff happened today, probably. I modified earrings of mine. I contemplated removing my ovaries with any sharp object on hand, then eventually decided the blood loss wasn't worth it. Half the universe spent the whole day going OMG HOLY CRAP GO GREEN while I spent the day using up huge amounts of electricity on awesome sound equipment. Whoops. Actually I'm a terrible person, and all this "go green" stuff does it piss me off, I don't really know why.

eee!, askjlam, *explodes from glee*, omg!, sometimes i get excited, sound, i am a soundgeek, i love my band, sometimes i keymash a lot, sometimes i use capslock, my band equals lessthanthree

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