(no subject)

Apr 20, 2009 17:47

I am always so horrible at keeping up with days and things on anything that's supposed to be day-by-day. It's hilarious. I'm just glad it's nothing super-important or life-threatening that I'm forgetting to keep up with, or I'd totally be dead.

Yesterday MY BAND made me happy, but it was Sunday so that's sort of a given, and you should have been able to guess that even if I didn't capslocksquee (because I was SO. TIRED. and just fell asleep as soon as I got home).

Today it was having a super-vivid dream that I'm like 90% sure is going to end up written, because, um, I can't not. My!Anna (who I have not written in way too long)! Supernatural! Dean turned into a cat! Sam being scary because his brother is a cat and some hyperactive little redhead has him and possibly has just fed him coffee! Heeeee!

Also I randomly discovered secret!chocolate-chipchunk cookies in the pantry, and am happily snacking on them now. Mmm. I think this is the last day of the happiness thing - I started last Sunday? I think? And it's eight days, and today's Monday, so. Yep. Not that I won't randomly be posting things that make me happy anyway or anything, but yeah.

In other news... My mom wants to get rid of both cats, and honestly...  I'm having mixed feelings on the matter, because part of me is horribly upset by the idea - I love my babies! - but the other part would be less stressed without them around. Our house isn't suitable for pets. Our lives are chaotic enough without them in the mix. Luna refuses to use the litter box lately, even if it's totally clean. They don't let me sleep much. It's almost storm season, and I have a feeling we'll be evacuating at least a few more times this round - and probably will not take them if they are with us, and that just scares me every time.

But I'll still be somewhat heartbroken - Luna's been around for ten years or so of my life, and Jules is like my child or something. So. I think Mom plans on sending them to a shelter / whatever on Wednesday. Which, if we're getting rid of them I'd rather have a new home for them right away, good shelter or not (and I helped at the local one once or twice, I know they're decent, but they're not a homehome, you know?).  D:

*clings to Jules*

cats, i have a kitten and her name is jules, i love my band, dreams, happy, my band equals lessthanthree, luna, writing

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