(no subject)

Apr 17, 2009 17:39

Ended up not going for my license today because I realized that the drug/alcohol course is required before I can, not optional for 18+ like I'd assumed, so. That'll happen soon, probably this weekend or ...something? Maybe?

I'm exhausted - I was up 'till 5am last night after a long day/night, and then woke up at 8am, and then made phone calls (got a wrong number and a voicemail! AAAHHH) and that's emotionally exhausting enough, and then I've been sitting at the theater all day, so. Ugh.

About a half hour until we leave here and head to CR. Do not want. But, then again, when do I ever want normal Friday things? Never. So.
And I swear, if creepyface starts asking me to teach him the sound system again, I'm going to have a fit quietly on the inside... and then tell him I'm planning a group training for multiple people, because there's no way I'm being alone with him in the soundbooth, people around the room or not. It's just frickin' creepy. And decidedly innappropriate for me to teach him by myself (not to mention I hate teaching anyone anything at all, ughh).

i hate fridays, license, sleepy erin is sleepy, unamused erin is unamused, friday

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