(no subject)

Apr 01, 2009 11:27

If I don't stop getting headaches like these soon, I'm going to bash my head open against the nearest surface hard enough to accomplish this task. Especially when I wake up with a headache that's already well over just a dull ache and the moment I open my eyes it's like someone's stabbing me in the forehead repeatedly. I don't approve, not at all.

Also not cool is that I had it last night, couldn't sleep, and took medicine for it - which had caffeine in it, so I didn't get to sleep until like five in the morning. And then my mom bursts in here early all "I might go somewhere later so get ready 'cause I'll drag you along!", only not as cheerful as my words make it sound because apparently she is never. ever. cheerful anymore. I was not amused in the slightest.

And the medicine I took last night was my last dose, and so I'm screwed if this doesn't go away soon. For some reason it's not the left-temple-stabby, it's forehead-and-eyes-and-then-everywhere-else-too, which means I'm typing a lot of this with my eyes closed (I'm actually really good at that, haven't really screwed up a whole lot so far) and would be happiest curled up in bed with my head in my pillow, but clearly I am not allowed to have that.

So instead I'm going to go wash my hair (that's going to suck, bending over the tub while my head feels like this, ugh) and then make tea and drink like the entire pitcher, and maybe find something foodlike, if food stops sounding like the worst. idea. ever. anytime soon, and.... yeah. Maybe curl up in bed again after all, I don't know.

I did make a pretty spiffy wallpaper last night while I couldn't sleep. I think I need to work on it a little more, things on it bother me, but I'm overall pretty happy with the results. And, like, it's Supernatural. Clearly I needed to express my obsession just a little bit more. Or something. Yeah.

family, sometimes i am very unamused, sucks out loud, fail on a stick!, headaches

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