(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 17:26

So - The Haunting in Connecticut is a good movie (also holy frick I never realized how hard that statename is to spell!). Possibly on my list of movies to get on DVD. The first half is a little bit.... dragging, I guess? Like, it's got the random jumpy moments and all where it feels like a build-up to the point where all Hell breaks loose, but that portion keeps going and going for a really long time before it gets to the good part. But the second half is really good. I think I saw a tv show on this story, though - one of those "true hauntings" shows I used to watch. Because there were aspects of it that were really, really familiar, things that weren't even just generic ghost-story things, even. That's not a bad thing, though. Lead male was a really, really good actor, I thought. The little girl and the mother were really, really familliar - I think I've seen them on something before, seriously.

I'm not going to lie, though - the promo image for it is THE main reason I watched it....

Can anyone guess what the top of this image reminds me of?

Shut up, I know I'm a complete geek. You love me anyway.

So, in general it's been a pretty good day thus far. Later will suck, though, I'm totally sure, because it's Friday and I never have a good Friday (PUN? AHAHA) for the duration of the entire day/night. So there's that. But I will drown my discomfort in caffeine, because caffeine is good.

Also I started writing something last night, some kind of Dean-POV crazy near-apocalypse stuff, and it's going in it's own random direction now. I should be used to that by now, but it's still sort of weird when it happens, so. Yep.

i hate fridays, supernatural, movies, ghost stories make me smile, i am a geek, friday

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