(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 11:15

So I now have an ID card... which has my weird creepily smiley horrible photo on it, and my terriblehorribleomg signature on it, and makes me an official organ donor, and also apparently I am registered to vote now. It was easier to get than expected - no paperwork to fill out, even, so that was nice.

So then I get here at 9, earlier than needed to, and the guy doesn't show up until, uh, 11. So that was frustrating. Also, country music. KILL ME PLEASE. SIGH.

I'm tired, haven't eaten, have a headache (but cant take anything until I eat), and am not leaving here until probably like 6pm tonight or something, even though the thing I'm doing sound for ends at like 1pm or so. Blargh. Want my bed now.

sound, country music makes me want to die, 19, humans are sillyfaces

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