(no subject)

Mar 11, 2009 21:06

  • I love my band.
  • I love geeky conversations.
  • I love grape soda, apparently.
  • My mommy is a complete nerd/dork and I love her.
  • I am trying to get a friend of mine to watch Supernatural.
  • I am starting to have serious issues with humanity in general and their inability to make sense.
  • I am mildly bored, and not at home, and did not think to take my writing with me today.
  • I might go play tetris now.

So Rebel? Is totally probably Micah. Because he's sort of been MIA, right? And he's all computer/technology awesome. And adorable but that has nothing to do with anything. So that's my theory. That, or it's a chick, because everyone keeps saying HE / HIM in reference to this mysterious NOT-SPECIFICALLY-MALE NAME, so it feels like they're trying to throw us off, only I can't think of an existing chick who it would be. So there's that.

Also, Peter and Nathan are some kind of alternate universe, completely broken Sam and Dean. Shut up, obsessed is perfectly acceptable, okay?! Peter's whole "because you love me" made me SQUEE, and I rarely squee about this show anymore unless it's about Sylar (who, by the way, is awesome and needs a frickin' HUG). Only, like, I can't tell which one is which anymore. Because on the one hand Peter used to be like a puppy (like SAM was), but now is going all mildly out of hand (like SAM is)... but he's actually on the good side and there's not a whole lot of logic pointing that Sam is. And Nathan was all OMGDADDY like Dean was. BUT Dean isn't the bad guy. Ever. And Dean never had an ugly beard. So I don't KNOW, and it's tearing my brain up a little, and if I could write for Heroes I'd try writing them all meeting up because it would probably be awesome. 

supernatural, random, wednesday, family, i love my band, bored, spiffy, heroes, geeky, tv

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