(no subject)

Mar 04, 2009 23:31

Comment on this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

(No promises my distributed subjects won't suck, but I'll do my best! <3)

Topics from featherjean :)

  • The one show that has never left me without a smile on my face. And by smile I mean huge silly grin that's barely restrained SQUEE INCARNATE. I love it, so much.
  • The first time I saw previews for it I was like THAT SHOW. I MUST SEE IT. because of the concept, not really knowing it was going to be so lighthearted and fun.
  • And then! Then it was fun and silly and not too serious! And I loved it anyway / for it (I'm not sure which).
  • And THEN this season they went with actual CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT with SERIOUS MOMENTS and ANGST and HOLY CRAP.
  • <33333
  • This is one show that I love like crazy that doesn't require me to seek fanfiction or role-play or anything of, because it's perfect as it is, and I think going after that, or trying to write some of my own, would take away from that. I mean, I've seen SOME fic, but it was either not something I wanted to read, or short / simple enough that it was okay. And I can't write it - I've tried, and I just don't ... have the ability? I don't know, but I'm okay with that, because it doesn't feel like it needs adding to. It's perfect!
  • Due to angst levels of my own lately, this is one of two shows (the other being Supernatural) KEEPING ME SANE right now. Rewatching and rewatching over and over. Seriously.
Sound Geekery
  • Oh, sound geeking, how I love thee. And yet how frustrating thee... thou... art? Uh, yeah.
  • When everything comes together, it's the best thing in the world. When it doesn't, it's hell on earth.
  • I'm so far gone into soundgeekland that I've become observant // mildly critical of other sound people or recordings or anything of that nature.
    • If I'm listening to a radio, and it's got static, I quietly (sometimes not so quietly) go mad.
    • When listening to a recording, I can pick apart pieces of it, what I like what I hate what I find strange.
    • When it's a live!recording, I tend to be slightly critical - recently I listened to my cousin's recording of herself singing that someone did for her, and flailed madly because the soundperson had SO MUCH effects on her voice that she sounded like she was in a tunnel or a bathtub or something. She has a strong enough voice that they really didn't need THAT much reverb going on, let alone that KIND of it (flange or something, I think - holy frick).
  • Because it totally goes along with it, OH MY GOD MY BAND AAAAHHHH THEY'RE AMAZING. <3333333
  • Juliet! My baby! She sort of ended up being like my early birthday present, since we found her and her siblings in like late May early June or something, and I got to keep her around July so... yeah.
  • Currently she's in heat (again, holy frick), which is hellishly annoying and also REALLY FRICKIN' CREEPY.
  • She's awesome at cuddles, but tends to be in cuddle mode at inconvenient times like the middle of the afternoon, instead of at night when I want to sleep. So I end up taking naps because I went to go cuddle her, got tired, and fell asleep.
    • She especially enjoys laying on top of me, like on my hip/waist (I lay on my side, so it's like right where there's a curve inwards, she curls up in it). <3
  • She will eat practically ANYTHING. Food, not-food, whatever, she's probably going to try to eat it. Her favorite things are spaghetti-o's, coffee, and flowers (roses especially, apparently?).

  • Uh, ew. Bugs. Seriously, I don't like them. I don't even like dead bugs being anywhere freakin' near me, even if they died of natural causes and just happen to be nearby. Especially not if they're in my room.
  • Roaches are frequent in this part of the universe. Two different kinds, the ones that fly and the ones that don't. The flying ones tend to be easier to kill, but harder to find - the other ones are nearly impossible to KILL, but they're slower and so I usually can get them okay before they, you know, try to touch me.
  • Ladybugs are pure and utter evil. Basically years ago we got infested with them somehow, I don't know how, but they were everywhere. And they return yearly, usually January - March, though in smaller numbers now. And they seem to be attracted to me somehow. Which sucks, because they genuinely HURT me. I don't know if they bite, or dig themselves into my skin, or if I'm allergic to them / their secretions, but they burn my skin, and the smell of them makes me lightheaded / panicky as a result (which includes some pens, relatedly - they smell like ladybugs, okay?!). And, uh, they like to fly at my face! And so... EVIL! *flail*
  • I don't mind spiders. Except in my room, but then it's more about location rather than existence. Spiders are pretty mellow, most of the time, and the jumping spiders are actually freakin' cute. <3

  • Writing is one of the other love-hate things I've got going on. I love when it works, hate when it doesn't. I've been doing it since I was like ...ten, twelve? Silly fanfic for Star Wars, scribbled in notebooks all over the place. Horrible, horrrrrrrrible stuff, purest crap that ever was written. Same extends to my first attempts at X-Men stuff, a couple years later. I still have all this in notebooks (though I burned the worst of it, haha).
  • I then moved into RP! Which was great! I sucked so bad at first! I still might, but people tell me I don't, so I accept that as truth because I'd rather not think I suck!
  • I used to be firmly rooted in the normal, third person past tense, until singe_allerdyce introduced me to present tense, where I am now. Of course, this means that I can't write past tense to save my life, but I'm actually sort of okay with that, so long as it's not required of me for some reason (although even then it's more annoyance than regret, because I love present tense lovelovelove).
  • I also think I stole using parenthesis a lot from her? From someone, for sure. I use them way too much within actual writing, by which I mean way too much in a good way (or I hope it's a good way). Like, crazy - I can have a whole paragraph of sidenotes thrown into the first sentence of something. Literally, I've done that. But I like it, it makes it feel more, uh, like my brain, I guess.
  • When I get in certain moods (overtired or annoyed, specifically), I get freakishly wordy. Like, longer, flowery words to say simple things. This is mostly in writing, but also does apply to talking, too.
  • I can't write characters with my name (even my middle name), or too much likeness to myself. CAN'T. Like, ever. Also characters with names of people close to me (siblings, close friends, other family) are hard to impossible, as well. I don't know why, but that's how it is.

This was fun, and all about things I love (well, and bugs, but writing about them doesn't kill my joy, so it's okay)! And that makes me happy!

Oh crap, icon conflict! *flails*

i am a soundgeek, sound, ladybugs are scary damnit!, i have a kitten and her name is jules, psych, bugs, writing

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