(no subject)

Feb 14, 2009 17:15

I think probably LJ is possessed because I've gotten messages about the latest announcement like a bajillion times, by which I mean three or four in the last twenty-four hours.

Also, I had a very nice nap earlier, during which I dreamed I was in a cloud (although the rest of the dream had nothing to do with that fact, which was sort of strange), and then I woke up saying something about how there was "something wrong with me because I don't usually..." but I was too awake to finish the sentence so I don't know what I don't usually do that I apparently did or something.

I'm eating food, but only because there's nothing to drink (well, nothing that appeals to me, which is saying something since everything short of milk or water or unsweetened / aspartame'd-up tea appeals to me right now), since that at least lets me pretend I'm not thirsty for a little while. But I am, and it's sort of funny because I'm always thirsty anyway, but it's just elevated lately by a lot. We need to get sugar so I can make iced tea so I can stop being thirsty.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm on Designated and then there's an outside event thing where my band is playing and I'm probably not getting to help with anything but will insist on staying to geek for them anyway whether I feel like death or not because I love my band. I hope I can handle it, but whether I can or not I'm going to, damnit.

I can't decide if I should go nap some more, or try to write... Either way though I must not think about beverages.

sunday, a/v, weird, beverages!, illness, for here or to go?, i love my band, dreams, the plague!, my sleeping habits are fail

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