In which I keep obsessing more, tralala...

Feb 08, 2009 00:25

Sleepy Erin is sleepy. Also she is Erin. Um, but we've established that in the past I think.

In other news, it is pretty amazing how often I can gush about MY SOUL BEING TORN OUT AND STOMPED ON AND BURSTING INTO FLAMES as a result of Supernatural, and then I forget that it's going to do that to me and I WATCH IT AT INCONVENIENT TIMES, like when I'm supposed to go to bed because I have to be up in four hours for a long day, and so now I sort of can't breathe properly (while I was watching it I seriously literally COULDN'T BREATHE and so I guess actually this hyperventilation is an improvement over having to concentrate on breathing at all). DEAN YOU BROKE MY SOUL. THANKS. I GUESS.

Also? It is so rare to see properly green-eyed characters, that I think I've fixated on Dean's eyes more than anything else in the entire show. Like, I can't think of another character in a show that has had GREEN eyes (minus, obviously, anything where said person's eyes are green due to something other than normalcy). EYES = LESSTHANTHREEINCAPSLOCK<3

Also, I can't tell what color Sam's eyes are. Blue, green, gray...? I don't know why eyes are so important to my brain, but clearly they are, and thus it will haunt me until I take the initiative to look for the actor's pictures online somewhere in which I can get a clear, definitive shot of his eye color.

Right now, I'm content to throw my hands up and resume thinking about the SOUL-CRUSHING and the CAN'T BREATHE and the GREEN. Also on the NEED SLEEP NOW OMG, but shh.

I obsess over things in phases, guys. It'll pass, probably (I'll still like it, but I won't be OBSESSED), but for now, roll with it? :)

Goodnight. <3

superntural, my sleeping habits are fail, eyes!, sometimes i obsess over things, my soul it is broken, omg!

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