(no subject)

Jan 24, 2009 19:57

I feel icky right now. And I think I know why - eggs again. DUNDUNDUN.

'Cause people left these egg sandwiches out all day, and were like "here, Erin, have these, they're leftover" and so I had one for lunch, not really realizing eggs = dangerous after hours of room temperature, and then this started. Most annoying part of it is the dizziness I've got going on, because I sort of feel like just sitting here I'm going to fall out of my chair. It could be something else, but I can't think of what else it could be, so...

I really want to go watch tv, but people are cooking dinner and I don't currently like the smell of food, so I'm not sure if I can. I'm going to try, though - Supernatural or Psych or Bones, here I come probably? :)

ick, eggs are scary!, ill, failing at life, salmonella?, food

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