(no subject)

Jan 22, 2009 08:18

I had a very strange dream in which practically everyone in the world was dying from an unknown disease that caused their eyes to dry up into basically little marbles and then fall out... and then they would dry up all the way, but much slower, so they were blind and wandering around, and they went insane from, you know, having their eyes dry up and fall out / drying up from the inside, and were basically zombies. And the people who weren't sick were pretty unhappy with this and were using flamethrowers on them... and being all drylike, they went up in flames pretty quickly. And ran around while still on fire, and blew up some oil rig / gas... place... or something.

It was somewhat epic.

In other news? My mouse is dying.  WOE.

It refuses to move in an upwards/downwards direction most of the time. Sideways, fine, great. Up, maybe. Down? NO.

I've cleaned it out, and it's still sticking and being retarded, and it's probably because it's like ten years old or something (okay, maybe more like eight, but whatever). So I need a new one. Or an equally old one which is new to me, which I probably can find around here somewhere. That is today's mission.

Now to battle the mouse to post this...

computer, dreams, my computer hates me, random, ???

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