(no subject)

Jan 08, 2009 23:05

So in a previous post I mentioned how no one had driven off / disappeared / tried to mutiny against my feeble control, yesyes?  Unfortunately all three of those have just happened as one, sort of. Shan decided it was cool to leave at like nine thirty to take her boyfriend home. Which is fine, and that was the plan anyway. But she's not back yet, nor is she planning on getting home until like midnight. Which I do not approve of, nor would my parents were they here. And she knows that. And considering her personality, anything I say about it to her will be ignored, even though I'd like to make a temporary rule that no one is out past ten unless it is a weekend and they are not the ones driving...

I think I'm getting an ulcer or five.

In other news, I made amazing beverage out of carbonated water, fruit punch mix, orange seltzer flavoring, energy drink flavoring, and raspberry syrup. Awesome. Kitten agrees, having stolen some while I was not looking.

family, beverages are good, being an adult is scary, omg!

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