(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 00:20

Band practice tonight was both awesome and frustrating/saddening...

A good thing is that in general practice went well. The band didn't screw around much, or waste time, or anything like that. Which is usually what happens when they're not playing the week of that practice (which, uh, they sort of are actually, but ...we'll get to that point in a minute).

Another good thing is that I just love it, and it makes me happy to see them all and hear their music, and watch them interact, and to do sound... I just love it/them. <3 And it sort of felt like I hadn't done sound for them in, like, forever or something. I'm not sure why, it's not really been THAT long - two weeks, maybe? Which - I've been months without doing it before, so even though it sort of is long, it also isn't. If that makes sense.

A mixed good/bad point, now - they're doing a concert/show, not at the usual building or at church at all. This Monday. Which, in itself? Is amazing! I love when they get to do stuff like that! It makes them seem more like a "real band" rather than a "church youth group band", which is awesome.

However, the not cool part is that no one told me about this event taking place until, uh, the end of the night. Which wasn't them actually telling me, it was me overhearing it and going "wait - what?!" and then getting pissed because no one tells me anything (EVER!), and then stalking people and asking questions in order to find out what the heck is going on. Which happens every bloody time, not even kidding. I wasn't even told there was practice tonight, I had to ask on Sunday night. I still don't know, now, if I'm supposed to be going along or not - I have to ask, probably. Frustrating.

I really need to talk to them and tell them to let me in on things / consider me part of the band. I know a few people seem to, sort of - but they also seem to think other people do and subsequently tell me (and also, I think those people are also usually the last to know things within the group, too), so they don't let me in on things either. I mean, I'm there all the time (often even when I'm not "needed", even) - how am I not officially "one of them" yet? And what, exactly, would it require for me TO be "one of them"? Just because I don't play an actual instrument (although it's up for debate - I consider soundpeople to be musicians too, but then I might be biased), I don't count? It's sort of upsetting.

Also upsetting? People replacing what is probably the best parts of songs without warning or notice or anything, and making them sound ....boring.

We had a guest guitarist tonight, who'll be playing with them for the concert. And that's great. We needed another one who's going to officially play, and his guitar sounds different than the current sound we have (in a good way, mostly), so it balances things out.

Problem is, he took lead on two songs that we usually have the violin lead on. THAT is NOT cool. Not even remotely. Especially the way it went down - it wasn't like an executive band decision, or even just a "well we always do it this way so let's change for this night!", or even "he's a guest, let's let him do something cool" - it just happened. And it appeared Adam (violin player) had no idea that was going to happen. And no one said anything (though I know several people were sort of looking around confused and sort of looked like they wanted to say something but didn't). And it just really upset me. A lot. Those two songs are my favorites BECAUSE of the parts they now chopped out - I <3 violin! - and with the guitar instead? It sounds cheesy and just sort of ...dumb. Violin sounds way classier for those parts. He wasn't even hitting the high notes right. >:(

So, those things stressed me out, but I did, overall, still really enjoy it.

Also we might have a new person soon for doing the computer there - YES FINALLY! Right now it's basically myself, one other person, and then our leader-adult. I'm perfectly fine being THE OFFICIAL SOUNDGIRL, but the other person doesn't really like being the only person on computer, as he prefers socialization over reclusion. And, so, yeah. Cool beans. :)

And then instead of bowling I went grocery shopping at Wal Mart with momma, and thus did not get home until midnight, and thus am tired as all sorts of things, but due to medicine wearing off, napping all day, and various caffeinated beverages, am not actually sleepy. So we'll see what I do tonight - probably silly flash games and such.

Also, did anyone see the moon tonight? It's frickin' huge, here, and orange-like. Awesome. I wanted to get a picture, but first I didn't have my camera, and now that I have it there are too many trees here to even see it, and there's nowhere to go close enough to here that's tree-less. Woe. 

i love my band!, i am a soundgeek, for here or to go?, annoying, a/v, woe!, random

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