(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 20:43

Sometimes I'm wrong about people, and it's sort of vaguely amusing. I thought this one person was all shy and stuff, but apparently he's a sillyface. Who knew?

Anyway, iced mocha!coffee is still amazing. My meds still make me TIREDOMGOMGOMGDEAD.

The Day The Earth Stood Still was good (I've never seen the original, so I can't compare - I liked it, that's all I know).

Also I had some geeky glee over the Wolverine trailer before it --- GAMBITOMGYAY! Although I don't recall seeing his eyes? I think I was too busy with the combination of mental celebration and the foggy tiredness I'm still dealing with to see if his eyes are red-on-black or not or if they even showed it. BUT THINGS GLOW PINK STILL, AND THERE WERE PLAYING CARDS INVOLVED, SO WE'RE GOOD. FOR NOW. THOUGH I MIGHT PROTEST ONCE I ACTUALLY SEE IT, IF THE EYES ARE NOT DONE AT LEAST HALF-DECENTLY. NO, GLOWING RED ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THAT. I will still probably mostly enjoy it, though (even though Wolvie's never been my favorite - Gambit makes up for that, as long as he has more than five minutes of screentime / is done right). <3

One thing though is that, ick, Gambit must be old once the normal!X-verse catches back up, thus Rogue/Gambit is either going to end up inapplicable, or reeeally freaking creepy... Which I think I recall talking about with someone (probably singe_allerdyce <3), but came back to me after the trailer ended, and I was dismayed somewhat (until I was distracted by pretty glowing orbs in the movie).

In other news, I'm currently addicted to chewing gum. Specifically blowing bubbles and popping them really loudly, which works best once the gum has no more flavor unfortunately (at least with the kind I have), but seeing people look around to see what just popped / exploded is priceless and totally makes up for that annoyance. Unfortuantely it makes me feel like a sillyface teenage girl who should be saying "LIKE, OMG, LIKE, SO YOU KNOW, LIKE, UH, THINGS TOTALLY HAPPENED ANF JUNK, AND, LIKE, THEN I, LIKE, TOTALLY DID STUFF! LIKE, OMG!". Which I am not. Except for in that example (and various other times I've done that as an example).

In a more soundgeek sort of mode - I fixed the soundboard today! Well, okay, not fixed - temporarily solved a minor problem that's been going on for unexplained reasons for about a month or two now. Apparently the computer sound was going through only one side of the speakers (we have two on the ceiling, so... in order to get sound at all to the one side, the other had to be turned up way too loud... it was icky. So I played around and figured out that apparently this cmoputer is in mono mode, and thus being plugged into both turned it into sterio from the board, but since it shouldn't have been in that mode (because the computer itself can't do that or something), it was playing mono sound out of one speaker only. In short, I unplugged one side of the cord, and now it works right. I need to leave people a note telling them it's supposed to be that way, so no one undoes what I did...

Also the projector decided earlier to go into black-and-white-only mode, and I freaked out for awhile and then unplugged and replugged everything, and then it went back to color. I don't know why. That was distressing, and doesn't make sense.

Time for dessert / possibly coffee! <3

i am a soundgeek, movies, crazy!, coffee, awesome, x-men

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