(no subject)

Dec 08, 2008 15:12

So last night was the church's children's musicals - and I was on media (basically both computers + lights). Nothing exploded, and everything went well, apparently. But I was definitely stressing the entire time - screen changes and cues and me starting the songs for them (meaning I really had to time it right), and light changes and then more light changes... and a whole bunch of rabid parents watching and waiting for me to screw up so they could reprimand me, probably. All that on top of having already been up at 4am, done designated all morning, not napped in the afternoon... and only had one caffeinated beverage all day.

I had awesome people working with me, though - me and the person on sound get along well (she's like my second mother, haha!), and the camera guy is a recent acquaintance, but really fun. So when we weren't all stressing ourselves into early deaths, we were having lots of fun. <3 Also I proved my usefulness by having headphones when they were needed imminently for something. Uh, it sounds more lame like that, but it was actually cool at the time, okay?

Also now I have $30 from the church, apparently for doing that... I would do it for free, because I like it, but I'm definitely not complaining. I'm noow only having to decide if I should use that as Christmas shopping money, or put it away (still saving for RecW!). I don't know. But I'm still surprised and happy - I didn't expect that. :3

Also I know someone younger than myself who's getting married. I feel old. Also, sort of not-old, because I'm in no way as mature as she is, and thus feel sort of like I should be. And almost every person I know is seriously dating someone right now, and while I don't want to be, it's annoying to try to socialize with people, because it's not just that person, it's that person and their significant other,  probably joined at the hip, and, uh, ew. Oh well. At least right now I approve of the people my sisters are dating - that's something, at least! That almost never happens!

I slept until like 2:30pm today, and it was weird because I literally did not wake up all night - went to bed at around 10pm, too. It was nice, though. I actually sort of feel like I've caught up, for once - Sundays usually kill me for about half a week. And I don't have to do much of anything for the rest of the week - Wednesday I have a doctor's appointment (ugh), and then normal band stuff I think... and then Friday as usual, but... a lot more chill than the rest of the month will be. Oi.

Now that it's still light out and I'm thinking about December, and thus about Christmas, I need to go search through the shed outside for Christmas lights. I want to decorate my room! Because this year I'm way more in the Christmas spirit than I was last year, or pretty much any year for the last five, and so... yeah! Pretty! Unfortunately the shed is a disaster, and no one's been in there for months... I just hope nothing out there eats me...

a/v, december is crazy, 19, crazy, i am old, sundays, christmas, i am a soundgeek, i know spiffy people, $$$

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