(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 20:46

It's that time again, you guys! Time for the obligatory "I <3333333 my band!!!" post!

Tonight was amazing. I was practically sleepwalking for the first half of the night, pre-practice and then for practice and then for the whole first set, but no major feedback/clipping problems! A few, of course, because that's how things roll, especially with proper drums (relatedly: THEY SOUND COOL GUYS), but still not nearly as bad as I thought! Plus I wasn't really conscious, so I feel good knowing I did awesome without even trying (mostly because I couldn't try because I was hugely medicated).

And then second set was brilliant and I was actually awake and semi-coherant (measuring my health in a geeky way, I got there at like 40% health, at the start of the second set I was up to 75%, by the end it was more like 98%). Seriously, they're amazing. Times five bajillion. And then some. <33

Also - the image I made for them went over really, really well. Everyone was like "WOAH YOU MADE THAT?!?!!!" and then bowed and kissed my feet. Only not literally. It was sort of embarrassing, but in a good way - because, like, it's just something I do, generally, for fun. And apparently no one else really does that? I don't know. I liked that they liked it, though - now I have to get the updated version over there! The only one I had on my flash drive was actually just the WIP, not the finished product (which, uhh, was annoying!), so... yep! Next week: better picture! <3

Now I need to write a bit, re-set my alarm clock, aaand.... probably go to bed sometime before I make myself sick again. :3

i love my band, i am a soundgeek, for here or to go?, link, sound, a/v, sometimes i make graphics

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