(no subject)

Oct 28, 2008 01:44

Handbells today. Yay? I sort of really, really suck. I'm terrible at reading music, though when we're reading "L / R" for our bells instead for the noob practice sheets, I'm not bad. It's once they throw actual sheet music in there (even if I have, like, three places to ring in the entire thing) that my brain goes ".... *BOOM!*" and then I stare blankly at the page and miss my cue. Ugh. Need to get a book or something on reading music...

Also I've been a complete ditz today in so many ways. Like, seriously. I was explaining why I liked the medium bells, and came out with "'cause, like, they're larger than small, and they're smaller than large..." which, uhh, is the exact definition of "medium", only, you know, ditzier. Ew.

And then my brain decided to go all "here's a random revelation about you that you probably don't want to think about at all ever even though it could, in some remote universe where you're someone other than you, be a good thing at the most inappropriate of moments possible, enjoy!" on me. Someone shoot me. Now.

i am ditzy, i am musically challenged - woe!, weird, ugh, i have an aversion to deep thoughts some

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