(no subject)

Oct 15, 2008 02:56

Frank has been sleeping in the light in the bathroom for, literally, days. Like, in the same position for days, even. I thought he was dead, but my mom poked him and he moved. But he's really not moving a lot at all. Weird.

Also lately Jules has been acting like a freak, and we've countered that with a spray bottle, which works very well. Only, now she's getting scared if you even hold the bottle up and show it to her, which makes me feel like a terrible person. I'm pretty sure I'm not, but still. I don't want to make my kitten sad! D:

Luna on the other hand barely seems to notice or care if I use it on him. He's like "oh, what's that? Moisture? Haha!" and goes on about his way doing whatever bad thing I just tried to stop him from doing. Except if I get him in the face with it, but that's unspeakably terrible. D:

Also I probably gained like five bajillion pounds today because I have been eating everyfreakingthing that crossed my path, pretty much, and then still feeling actually properly hungry directly after. It's sort of annoying, and then I feel gross. And, like, I'm actually stomach-growlingly hungry right now. D: Maybe I'm going to hibernate or something...

Grandparents are home from Canada now, but we've not yet gotten to go see them yet. D: I want to go tomorrow, but I sort of don't think that'll end up happening, unfortunately. Maybe Sunday after church / before Link? Hopefully? Although this week I'm scheduled for soundstalking, so I'd be a complete zombie at their house, and probably end up falling asleep somewhere, haha!

Tomorrow! Band! My band! They're cool! And awesome! I'm excited! I might get pictures! Because on Sunday I forgot but now I will remember, I swear! Let's see how many exclamation points I can use here! Whee!

Going to try to get back to sleep now. It was too hot earlier. Some sillyface in my house decided the cool thing to do was to turn my air conditioner down to, like, practically the fan setting. Which means it got hot and I freaked out because I thought I was nearing spontaneous combustion or something, since the a/c neverever gets touched (well, except in the late winter/early spring, when my dad is cold and I'm hot and we're fighting constant battles over it!) and so I thought even with it being on I was hot. But yeah. Sleep now. :3

bigcat is big, i have a kitten and her name is jules, family, for here or to go?, i am a soundgeek, lessthanthree, luna, sometimes i eat things

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