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Oct 11, 2008 06:19

Crazy cat is crazy.

Which one I'm talking about is up for debate, as per usual, though.

Kitten decided that a large (and actually cute when it's not moving; when moving it's sort of terrifying) moth = Epic Evil That Must Die Now and since it was in my light, jumped up onto the highest thing possible (small tv on my desk) and ...knocked everyfreakingthing on it off. While I was sleeping. Which means that loud noises of glass and other things falling woke me up. Thankfully nothing glass broke, but beads did spill all over. Woe. Oh, and she is currently eating a dog biscuit. I have no idea where it came from, she just sort of found it. I don't think I want to know.

Luna is in plastic and related not-food tems are tasty and nutritious! mode right now. He thought snacking on USB cables was going to be a good idea - luckily I am sitting, uh, right here, and he didn't get more than one bite on the thing before I noticed and relocated him. ...Now he is actually trying to take Kitten's dog treat.

At least my alarm was meant to go off in like twenty minutes, so I'm not actually losing much sleep. This time.

In other news my pliers are awesome, though flawed. There's this weird stuff inside them (like in the plier-parts and joints of them) that's like... metal paint or something. And in places it's not even. Made in China. Meh. So sometimes they sort of stick, or generally don't feel smooth when in-use. Mostly this isn't a big problem, but it does bug me slightly. I;'m hoping it'll wear down with use and stop doing that.

What I do really like that I didn't know before is that my wire cutters have a spring inside! My old pair doesn't! This is much more comfortable, not to mention it's like five bajillion times sharper and has rubber handles (which the other didn't have either). Awesome.

Time for some coffee candy. <3

weird, silly cats are silly, i have a kitten and her name is jules, people are sillyfaces, luna

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