A completely by-accident discovery today has me both overjoyed and somewhat pissed off.
See, I've thought all along that going to
the school I want to go to would require having all the money, all at once, to even register. I thought that was rather silly, but whatever, their school their rules... Now I find out that it's actually got a $300 deposit option. And it was mentioned only one place, very briefly, and not somewhere I would have noticed if I hadn't been trying to re-calculate everything because I'd forgotten things. Uh, if I'd known this like six months back when I was flailing over about $7k it would have been nice. Very nice. Because that sort of price I'm really sure I can get a lot faster!
And then I learn that the extra add-on classes (which, um, I want/need) aren't even for registry until midway through the normal class, cutting another, like, three thousand out of the initial payments!
Ughhh. So it's a good thing, but I wish I'd known that sooner. Now I have to wait until next spring, whether I get the money in the next ten minutes or not, because if I went at this time of year I'd need a whole new wardrobe for the coldtimey weather since Florida has basically none of that. So next year. I suppose I can use that time to actually get the money, but it's still really freaking frustrating! Edit: Oh and also apparently in 2009 the tuition cost goes up by $400 in total. Great. Just great! D:
Also today my head is killing me again, with that sort of caffeine!hangover sort of feel with combined light sensitivity, and I really want to sleep all day, but my parents are all "ZOMG YOU'RE HOME TODAY SO YOU CAN DO ALL THE WORK IN THE WORLD TODAY!!" and ugh. I'm feeling gross, can't I just... you know, have a day to chill before I go back to zomgrunrunrunrunrun? Next day like this will be a literal week from now. I have shows to watch, a brain to let recover, a knee that literally popped out last night (it wasn't just almost-out like usual, but was seriously not. in. place. when i went to walk. OW), and generally dishes and things are the last things on my mind!
In short, I am grumpy today. D:<