(no subject)

Sep 21, 2008 05:38

Whoever gave my kitten crack is either my new hero or my new worst enemy. She is freaking the hell out and trying to kill the ceiling. No, really. She's on my bed, meowing repeatedly (relatedly she sounds almost like a Siamese, haha!) and then launching herself into the air and clawing the ceiling before falling back down to repeat the process. There are actual clawmarks in the ceiling. I've tried stopping her, but she starts trying to climb onto my head to better access the ceiling, so I've sort of resigned myself to this weirdness and am leaving her alone (and flinching every time she falls hoping she isn't going to snap her back/neck or something, zomgpanic).

In other news - Supernatural! So my theory on the whole season is that mister "ooh, I'm an aaaaangel!" dude is going to have Dean go after Sam, probably without telling him it's Sam, just being like "there' s this dude learning demonic things from an actual demon and it's probably bad news you should go kill him now" and then there will be crazy angst and woe and probably some yelling. No, definitely some yelling.

Also you guys, I called the angel thing at the end of last season. Like, when it ended I was like "and then a glowing angel chick pops up and grabs him..." to my momma, who didn't actually care very much. but I was wrong about the chick part apparently. I just sort of assumed since it was Dean it'd be a chick... Plus then Ruby vs. Angel!chick would have been freaking hilarious. But yeah. Called it.

Relatedly new!Ruby bothers me. She was way too "ZOMGFREAKEDOUT" and, uhh, she's not like that. Even when there was Terrible Danger, she was snarking at people and acting like they were all idiots, not fawning over Sam like that. Ew. Is it the same actress with a wig on, or no? I got distracted by Jumping!Kitten trying to get herself smushed up in the ceiling fan, and didn't feel like rewinding it, so I only heard the scene and saw flashes of it. But yeah. Irked!

And now I've got to resume getting ready to leave because this morning I am freakishly behind on my preparation-type-things and so am sort of wasting time posting this, but whatever...

supernatural, geeky, weird, i have a kitten and her name is jules, tv

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