(no subject)

May 25, 2008 16:42

Weird day. Mostly-good, but still, weird.

  • Up at 4:44am for a/v at church (which wasn't until 7, but shh).
  • Random Psych craving, which, of course, brought along pineapple cravings (and references) throughout the morning.
  • Diet Mountain Dew is nowhere near as good as the regular stuff.
    • Also, it tastes like what I imagine Christmas trees taste like.
    • Alsoalso, Altoids (the Wintergreen ones) + Diet 'Dew = mouthwash taste. NOT COOL (except literally, because it was like a crazy ice-storm in my mouth).
  • Home around 12pm
  • Naptime at around 2/3pm, complete with people making tons of noise in the other room, like moving furniture or blowing stuff up or something. I think there was even screaming bloody murder. Or something like that.
  • Waking up (once I finally get to sleep) to the sound of loud banging - apparently people re-locating the TV briefly. 
  • Wander out, to see both of my sisters' boyfriends in the living room, apparently trying to hook up an X-Box 360 by moving the TV around loudly, and talking just as loudly, over eachother.
  • Feeling sick, I make myself a sandwich and try to ignore them as they climb around on the entertainment center and associated furniture, trying to hook this thing up. Talking all the while.
  • Looking out the window, I notice that my dad is in the process of setting up a pool. Yeah. One of the inflated above-ground ones, but it's a big one not like one for small children. Am mildly confused as to WHY NOW?, but wander off anyway.
  • Proceed to be attacked by violent hiccups as soon as I'm in my room, and am currently typing this while trying not to hiccup my internal organs out. Seriously folks, OW.
  • Also, it's freakishly hot in here. Am tempted to go wander into the half-full pool before it's even full, haha.
Aaand I'm not sure if we're going to youth group tonight, as I don't have a/v stuff to do and my mother/sisters do not want to. Um, whatever. Pooltime all night? Or something?

sunday, family, a/v, weird, ugh, sisters' significant others, florida-the-evil

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