(no subject)

Apr 08, 2008 03:22

Okay. So the trip I mentioned? Wasn't until Saturday after all, but rather until Sunday. We got back to the church just in time for the normal youth group, which meant I was half-asleep and running sound, and as such babbled inanely the entire time while drinking an energy drink that either really works or really makes me think it works.

But! I had fun. At a beach. Yes. Which is a strange thing for me, because I'm not normally fond of the outdoors, or of being sandy/dirty or being away from home/safety/internet/my own bed, but ...yep. Fun times. And I didn't really have a problem with the other girls in the cabin I was in, either, so that was a huge improvement from last time I went on a trip of any sorts!

Generally on the first day (once we got to the church at like 5 in the morning) most of the time was spent spacing out listening to music and crocheting (trying to ignore a small child's "OHEMGEEEEEE LET ME COUNT THE ROWS VERYVERYVERY SLOWLY EVERY TWO MINUTES!!!" and general super!awe over something I'm only really half-decent at) while we drove for like three hours (then stopped for lunch which was a small Mexican place that had amazing salsa and otherwise decent food) then on the last hour it was me craning my neck to see out the windows and taking pictures because we were at the water-type area and it was pretty. Mmhm.

Then once we got there we dragged our stuff into the buildings (oh, and my bag? Seemed to have like a herd of small children in it or something. It was way heavier than it had any right to be, considering I didn't bring very much stuff!), and then went over to the beach. Which was pretty, and the water was cold but that was a good thing. Showers, dinner, study, and then video games and general mayhem.

That was pretty much how all the days were - breakfast, beach, lunch, hangout / optional beachtime, showers, dinner, playtime, optional early-bedtime / more playtime, bedtime (which, really, was also sort of optional, since my entire cabin was up until at the very least 2am every night, sometimes later). There were video competitions between the girls and the guys (who clearly won, but don't tell the other chicks that. They still think they won, even though the guys' videos were adorable and hilarious!), and much laughing and silliness went around all the time. I almost beat Steven and Adam at video games, so that was also very cool. ^^;

And I wasn't having my normal internet withdrawls... much. During the dead hours (after lunch, when it was just sort of "do what you want" time), I started to want to get on here, but otherwise all was pretty much good.

Less cool news: I managed to hurt my spine, knee, and hips in the water ('cause the waves? Were like super-crazy-epic. And awesome), and got myself somewhat sunburned (and, unfortunately, will probably be tan once the red fades out, grr). But I'm proud of myself for not drowning / managing to fall down stairs and break my neck / etcetera! Other people were hurt worse than I was, so while I'm not thrilled they were hurt (Steven got slammed with a skimboard, and we very definitely thought he'd fractured a rib for awhile! Cue me panicking, of course...), I'm glad I wasn't the worst injury of the weekend. Because I somehow thought I would be. XD

Aaand I spent all of today trying to get used to being able to just not do anything (and get used to standing up and walking slowly, because my spine is back to that crispy feeling whenever I move), and I'm definitely still half-asleep. Even more so because it's after 3am, but whatever.

Apparently on Sunday I was supposed to be at church in the morning running Designated, but I didn't have my schedule before I left,  so I didn't know that, and wouldn't have been back in time anyway... but yeah. I hope they're not pissed at me. I've been told they aren't, but still. I worry. Thursday I'm on the House computer, then Sunday I'm on Designated again. This time I'm here and know about it, so that should work out... mostly.

Our car's acting up again, so we're back to having only the truck, which... could provide a problem with the transportation for that and for Fridays, but I'm not going to worry about that right now. Dad's taking the van tomorrow to see if the folks that fixed it last time (or, tried to but apparently failed in a very epic fashion) will do it without making us pay all over again since they sucked at it, and we'll go from there.

But anyway. Good to be home.
Now maybe I can write soon? That'd be cool...

link, ow, trip, awesome, random, win

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