(no subject)

Apr 01, 2008 22:06

Well... It's back to being disgustingly hot around here again. I mean, yes I know it's Florida, but ...we don't have proper air conditioning! Can't we at least get a nice steady cool breeze for awhile? Please? I've got my a/c that's in the hall (window unit) on at it's highest, and it barely makes it breathable in here. That doesn't touch the living room / kitchen half of the house, so out there is like instant death, almost. But we have ice cream, so that makes it slightly tolerable. Slightly.

Also my internet is still acting like a freak, and by the time this post is finished being written the 'net will probably no longer be working. Again. For like the five-millionth time today alone.

In other news, packing? Sucks. Especially when I have that feeling I'm forgetting things, but can't figure out what they are, and ...yeah. Ugh. Remind me never to wait until the last two days to start! I wanted to start last week, but nooo... Also if my mood is anything to go by, this is going to be a bad time of month for a beach trip... >.>;

Tomorrow - more packing, making sure things are settled for Friday while I'm not there, potentially a short shopping excursion to get me caffeine / snacks for the trip (as obviously those are important things), then bed ASAP, because I have to be at the church at 6am... they want to leave at 6:30. So that means I have to be up at like 4 to make sure I'm properly packed (ughhh!), and ready to leave. Should be interesting, if nothing else. XD

annoying, packing-sucks, hot, florida-the-evil, internet, random

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