(no subject)

Feb 22, 2008 18:43

 So for a day I expected to suck in an epic manner, it's going well. Borderline awesome, actually.
  • A Vault and a brownie for breakfast. Can we say "made of win"? Yes, yes we can.
  • Arriving at the theater, I got plenty of soda, and went to re-watch Jumper since it was the only thing worth seeing. Cue 'star"-mocking, because that actor isn't all that great. Either looks like he's reading lines, or like he's being way overdramatic. Haha, dude. Ha. Ha. But! The crazy guy with the lair and the accent and the babbling? <3333.
  • The theater? Is having a mini prom. It's a promo for that prom movie coming out next month (which looks slightly dumb to me, but whatever). For some reason this makes me bounce in complete glee at the prospect of watching the employees run around in fancy clothes while trying to work. I'm going to probably request being there for that reason alone. PLUS THIS WAS WHAT BROUGHT ME TO THE POINT BELOW.
  • By reading the paper where my momma was trying to vote on who to be in the "prom court" or whatever the heck that was, I noticed two names on it. One of My Adams (guitar-playing!Adam) got hired to the theater! And so did one of my sisters' friends who I actually am somewhat fond of (who's name is Brandon) who lives nearby us and drives around on a 4-wheeler all the time and actually isn't annoying/crude/terrible. And I sort of feel like I had a hand in it, even though I probably didn't. See, the theater was hiring two people, and three had applied... one very qualified stranger, and my two friends. So I, being me, pestered my mom about hiring them since she's a manager... and then the theater hired all three! I feel slightly accomplished, even though I really didn't have much to do with it. I just do. XD
  • I discovered that the DVD/Music store has a copy of The Hills Have Eyes (the unrated one, even!), for just $12, rather than $20! Unfortunately I couldn't get it today, but I'm hoping it'll still be there next week when I probably can. And I'll be able to see it on my actual TV, and actually see the beginning more than one time, and now that I've come this close to getting it (I almost manged to convince my mom... which involved babbling fast and vague hand motions of enthusiasm and bribery and offers of paying back, but this is a bad week for the family [dad's account is negative $500 right now, meep] so I'm accepting her "no" as a "not now, maybe when I don't have to get food and keep lights on". Because food and lights are important even though so is squeeing and probably crying and seeing it on my TV... so I will accept that. For now. But I haaave to get it, and veryvery soon.
  • I <3 my new music. And mom's MP3 player = pretty much win. It's pink, so that's a downside, but otherwise it's gooddd.
  • No explosions tonight with soundrunning, even though there were surprises (which will be covered in the smaller "not-so-shiny" list), and I don't feel stressed-flaily-panicky. :)

Not-so-shiny things:

  • Feet, knees, and hips are freeeeaking killing me. Mostly hips actually (surprisingly, 'cause my knees usually hurt worse).
  • Few surprises for tonight: youth pastor's parents sang tonight, and had all kinds of stuff on the stage for that, so I sort of flailed and had no idea what was up with that... and then it was explained, and all was well from there.

So yes. Good > bad. Yay!

movies, my-people, awesome, random, friday

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