Happy Birthday Dad!!!

May 09, 2005 23:15

I know my Dad won't be reading this any time soon (nor my uncle Den, his twin) but I thought I would post it anyway. We had the parents over to the house yesterday to celebrate Mother's Day and my Dad's birthday it was fun but a little unorthodox. We had a BBQ around 1pm instead of the usual dinner because Matt had to pick up Damian from the his old ex, evil sucubos. But it worked out for the best because it rained after we were done so it was timed perfectly.

Had to drive to Portland today for work. Kat went with which is great. I always love the time we get to spend together and I can't wait for more to come. Work is gettting lame and I am getting ready to move on and move up whether it be with whom I am working for now or someone else. But the truth is I deserve better than I have now and I need to seek out my options.

The living situation is going alright. Kat and I are going to get a place together here shortly and in Olympia if all goes well which it should. Matt is going to buy me out on the house which aleviates alot of the stress of moving but creates other stresses at the same time. I must say that the more time I spend in and around Olympia the more and more I really like that city. It reminds me a little of the good things about growing up in FW but it also reminds me of what Seattle was like when I was a young boy. Plus the traffic and crap of most city life is not bad there yet either.

The future should be bright as long as I keep moving. Must keep motivated and reach for the sky.
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