Remind me why I live here again...

Jan 31, 2004 00:24

Well, surprisingly enough this fic didn't start out so badly, well written, rather insignificant, a healthy Louis/Lestat relationship (not incredibly smutty, wich is a first). Unfortunately, as good things usually have an end, the fic falls downhill in the last chapter and we come face to face with a Sue.

Story Or Series Title: Dreams of Davinah
Fandom: The vampire known as Lestat
Culprit Author's Name: lestatdelct (I am so hoping this person is not part of the community...)

Full Name (plus titles if any): Davinah
Full Species(es): Human (with über kewl supernatural powerz!!!11 and massive angst)
Hair Color (include adjectives): golden, her long blond hair straight
Eye Color (include adjectives): china blue eyes... first time I hear that one, she should get an award.
Unusual Markings/Colorations: nasty bruises and holes (a druggie sue too...aren't we lucky today, kids?) oh and: pale smooth skin with just a hint of rose in her cheeks
Special Possessions (if any): does a "phantom breeze" following her hair around count?

Annoying Origin: Lestat's nightmares. Well not exactly...he has wierd dreams with her calling for help in them and wakes up in a sweat....close to a nightmare, no?
Annoying Connections To Canon Characters: Barges, uninvited, into Lestat's mind, might become his snuggle bunny (althought its not very likely...but seeing how this story went downhill in the last chapter I wouldn't be surprised...sadly)
Annoying Special Abilities: According to Merrick: she must be trained in ways of mental deceptions, psychic powers and that sort of thing. Of course, she could naturally have that gift, but to have it so strongly would to me, say that she must be born of it. How many bets on the fact she's probably born with the powers?
Other Annoying Traits: she's doing something to Louis....I don't like it... *pouts* (hehehehe a little fangirl moment there, ahem) but seriously, I think the phantom wind thing speaks for itself...

Please include a small sample of the worst of this story:

Well...we have the Sueish description:
Then there are times when it is only her face I see, against all those things that look familiar again. She comes, her long blond hair straight and blowing in the phantom breeze. Now here, she looks ephemeral, or otherworldly. Here, she is deliberate with her china blue eyes, and that pale smooth skin with just a hint of rose in her cheeks. Hrmm...ephemeral? Ermm...wouldn't that be ethereal? Mostly since ephemeral means temporary....althought I wouldn't mind if she disappeared fast.

The mysteeeerious *wiggles her fingers* powers:
"Unless she has seen you in person, which you don't say has happened, she must be trained in ways of mental deceptions, psychic powers and that sort of thing. Of course, she could naturally have that gift, but to have it so strongly would to me, say that she must be born of it. You don't know enough about this girl to tell me whether that's true or not. The only other explanation I can think of, is that maybe she doesn't know she has these gifts Lestat.

And the angst:
"Leave me alone Vandal," She yelled, in tears. "Just leave me the hell alone. I'm leaving all of you! Leaving, do you hear me?" She bent down in the clutter and picked up her torn denim shorts, slipping them on in a hurry. "Leaving, you sonsabitches. I should kill you all!" She said, bending to scoop up more clothes in her skinny arms. I was helpless to watch.

I say its a Sue, what say ye, comrades?

And on an ending note, the story is ici!(under Dreams of Davinah of course) if you want to read it. The last chapter, the last one thats up anyways, has Lestat using "miraculous slow motion", I found it pretty funny, althought its not supposed to be.
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