Apr 10, 2016 21:41
I spent an inordinate amount of time sitting today - but editing! I was editing! - and I admit the hours slipped by faster than I'd thought they would. It's Sunday, a lazy day here on the farm, with only minimal chores to do and none of them allocated to me. Somehow I wound up with guest privileges. I pitch in when I can, don't worry.
I did take two walks though - one a little before noon, up to the top of the driveway and back, which is almost a mile and a half, round trip - and then another around the land, this afternoon. There is a place across the river where I pastured the goats, three years ago, and I wanted to see how it looked now. The same, but also different, as are all things here. I saw a lot of coyote scat, and prints, as well as a ton of possum and raccoon prints in the mud along the riverbank. No evidence of bears though, which is relieving.
On my way back from that walk, I discovered that the goats had taken themselves out to pasture. Amazing! They're free to walk around the land as long as the human folks are out and about, during daylight hours, but they usually stick close to the house. I was pretty sure that if I, having been spotted by the goats, returned to the house they'd follow me, so instead I spent almost an hour and a half walking with them around the meadow as they browsed on last year's grass and this year's new rabbit brush growth. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so I knew they wouldn't venture out - goats are delicate flowers when it comes to precipitation.
But now it is twenty to ten, and I am tired. The room I'm in faces east, which means I see the sunrise in the mornings - amazing! - but it starts getting light a little after six. Time now for teethbrushing, and bed.
farm girl-ing it