a punch and a smile

Sep 18, 2014 20:12

Two different links for you tonight, folks - one very hard, and one for after cos it'll make you smile.

Beheadings: Theirs and Ours

This is a very short essay by a veteran who served in Iraq; it's tough to read but I think it's pretty important. Here's an excerpt to entice you:

"...Sure, a beheading is brutal. But so is the United States military machine-in fact, much more so than ISL. The only difference is that most Americans are physically and psychologically detached from their own brutality, and either unaware, or apologetic when confronted with American barbarism. At least the bodies and faces are recognizable after a beheading.

...Do Americans understand what a body looks like after being hit with hellfire missiles? Of course they don’t. ... For 99% of Americans such a scene is utterly incomprehensible, yet often politically acceptable."


Okay, now here is a small happiness, because this world isn't only its darkest self.

Sesame Street: Lupita Nyong'o Loves Her Skin

This is a 2:30 minute video with actress Lupita and muppet Elmo, talking about loving the skin their in. It is super cute, because Elmo, and super great too.

And there you go.

(In other news, I'm doing pretty well. It's fall here, definitely, though the past several days have been sunny and that makes me happy. I'm taking it easy for a couple of reasons, and also eating a lot of Ontario peaches, which have been in season for the past month. There are local grocers nearby selling produce that's in much better condition than the stuff I could find at the chain grocery stores, so I've been shopping local when I can. Yesterday I made pickles again; they're popular in the house. Yay, harvest season.)

youtubing, blogs: voices of the people, war, toronto, iraq

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