Jan 18, 2014 17:45
Coming to the realization that I don't feel terribly interesting, lately. Or, more precisely, I am realizing that comments several people made to me while I was home at various points, all of which are essentially, "Well I checked your blog but it wasn't really about anything," have come back to haunt me.
No, this blog is not really about anything.
It is not a work-blog, where I would only talk about CPT work. And it is not entirely (anymore) a life-blog, either, where I indulge in recounting various aspects of my days. Frankly I don't know what this blog is, anymore, except a place where I've written stuff for over ten years, and I don't want to let it go. I've committed to updating every day because I suspect that, otherwise, I never would. But sometimes figuring out not only what to write, but also what I have the energy to write, is really really hard.
Putting additional, albeit unnecessary, constraints on myself - keep it interesting - only really just serves my writer's block, and I wind up frustrated and searching aimlessly for yet another article or essay or song to post here.
Meh. Time to take back my blog! (Er, from my own mental imaginings of what other people expect!) If I feel like writing about CPT work, or if I feel like there are important things to say regarding all that, then I'll write about CPT. But if I feel like writing about silly scenes that happened in my day to day, or, hell, even my celebrity crush of the moment, then I'll do that, too.
it's me,