I had an interesting day! But it's late and I've used the past hour and a half to decompress online (which looks like scrolling through FB and checking email), and I've no energy to write about it. Maybe tomorrow! I sketched out a post in my head sometime this afternoon; there's hope.
Meantime, here is a song my old friend Justin told me about tonight. He said it reminded him of me. A very, very good, touching conversation ensued, the details of which I may possibly share with you in person, maybe, but maybe just listen to the song instead and get from it what you can. Er. It's punk. But good! And sweet. And, you know, a bit loud at first. Try it out!
You can read a little bit of background on the song
here, and read the lyrics
I like it a lot, and now I realize I need to listen to everything else by this band, STAT.