Well with Jeff leaving today, and Mark spending the night at his mother's, Ron was the only dude around this evening. Aside from Rocky the Rooster, of course, but he lives in the chicken coop. The rest of us gathered after dinner and made white russians. Okay, Ron had one too, but he didn't toast with the rest of us - that, I think, was an (unintentionally) girl-thing.
Afterward, we curled up around the big screen to watch
Strictly Ballroom, which is a fabulous movie about the absurdity of competitive ballroom dancing, about being yourself in the midst of serious social pressure, and about how cool immigrants are. There's a strong romantic component to it, as well. We sipped our alcoholic beverages, giggled, and sighed. Ron, who actually joined us (he seems to prefer horror films and the latest incarnation of Tron), and admitted as the credits rolled that "That was pretty good."
Here is one of my favorite scenes. You might guess why. I decided I really need to learn how to dance, watching this.)
Val is calling us the Estrogen Cloud. She said she wrote a letter to Daniel today, telling him that the Estrogen Cloud is handling everything here on the farm magnificently. I love that, with all of its implications. It's not untrue, either.
Girl power! White russians and all.