Jan 06, 2006 10:46
So a friend of mine working for the City doing occupational therapy coordination just found out her job is being made permanent. Quite a relief since she's been temping in the job now for many months and as it is, and only getting 32 hrs a week. We hung out last night with another friend and talked about life, the universe, and everything. Seems she and I have a lot more in common than I thought and I really enjoyed spending time with her. We talked about New Year's Resolutions, the state of our love lives, housing dilemmas, and dealing with job insecurity. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone fighting my terrors, but then I find other women with the same terrors, and it's a strong bond that forms. We need those bonds, they keep us sane when we feel our grip on the world slipping and the dark clouds are closing in.