(no subject)

Sep 15, 2010 23:24

All has been going perfectly well up until about last week.....My oldest son got unfairly thrown outta school,so he's been put on home based services until we can get him into this special school for children who are severely emotionally disturbed which he is not at all, he doesn't act out at home like he does in school which tells me it's the school that's causing him to act that way, they're not doing something right. I have tried and tried to get across to them that they are just not handling him correctly that he needs a firm but fair hand, they didn't seem to buy it. But I guess they'll see when he finally gets into this other school and flies through their program and gets placed back into regular school that I have been right all along, and I will just relish in the fact that I was right and I will make a point of rubbing it in their faces. The thing that really sucks about this whole thing is that they're acting like there's no way that I'm being truthful about the way he acts at home being so different from the way he acts at school. So it seems to be one of those damned if you do damned if you don't situations. I feel so bad for my little boy....it's not his fault that the teachers he has get frustrated very easily, I mean what do they expect? He's little. Also I keep trying to stress to them that he has dyslexia and that's another reason he's getting frustrated and acting out, he knows he should know and understand the work but for some reason he can't get it and that ticks him off. One thing I do know is that I will go toe to toe with them if I have to. My babies education is at stake and that is something I don't take lightly.
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