never going back to school

Nov 16, 2004 12:54

last kiss: over the summer
last cigarette: two puffs of one with josh
last good cry: two weeks ago
last library book checked out: some scholarship book that wasn't helpful at all
last movie seen: envy
last book read: The Snow Garden
last cuss word uttered: shit
last beverage drank: diet pepsi
last food consumed: cheese
last phone call: mom's voicemail
last tv show watched: Fabulous Life Of
last shoes worn: work shoes
last cd played: wet from birth
last item bought: a dickies jacket, a purse and a Bible from Goodwill
last downloaded: Sub Pop original mix
last annoyance: forgetting my school/work stuff at home
last disappointment: i ate a pepperoni last night and felt like throwing up
last soda drank: diet pepsi
last thing handwritten: notes in history class
last word spoken: later
last sleep: 7 this morning
last IM: dan
last ice cream eaten: cotton candy about a month ago
last amused:
last time trippin on drugs?: at least 3 years ago
last time wanting to die: moving forward
last time in love: moving forward
last time hugged: i got lots of hugs saturday from shawn :)
last time scolded:
last chair sat in: my big green couch
last lipstick used: orange flavored lip gloss
last shirt worn: hoodie
last time dancing: at least 3 years ago
last poster looked at: vangogh

1 MINUTE AGO: discontent
1 HOUR AGO: in class
1 DAY AGO: in class
1 WEEK AGO: in class
1 YEAR AGO: in a much better mood

1. What do you most like about your appearance? my eyes and my hair
2. And least? pretty much everything else
3. How many fillings do you have? zero
4. Do you think you're good looking? yes
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? yes...but they also call me a fat bitch.

First job: erb lumber/tutor/cumberland marketplace
First screen name: Kitty3gurl haha
First funeral: Luke Swanson
First pet: Shabby the cat and Ziggy the bunny
First piercing/tattoo: ears when i was 8
First credit card: mastercard or something
First Kiss: nate
First one that mattered: nate
First enemy: Beth VanEns because I asked her why she was mean to this girl. yeah i'm such a bitch. and I've never learned.
First big trip: Florida and Toronto the summer I was 7
First concert: Tori Amos
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Eric Clapton or Led Zepplin probably
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